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Table of Contents

What is this site?

Athabasca Workforce Timesheets is a custom timesheets solutions application by Alpaca CMS. It allows workers to submit timesheets for digital signoff.

How To Use This Site

If you are an AWS employee or Site approver and you need to register for the site, please contact

User Types

There are the following user types:

  • Employee: does not have login permissions, but can be tagged in timesheets
  • Foreman: Has the ability to submit timesheets and add employees and approvers.
  • Approvers: Site workers who are authorized to sign off on timesheets
  • Accounting: Full access to all timesheets with send off approval. Can only be added by the administrator. 

When a new user is added, they are emailed their password. 
Manual one time approvers may be added, and the user will be emailed a one time password. 

Adding a User

To register a new user, click on “register” on the left bar and you can select the role.

When adding a new user, the following information is required:

  1. Name
  2. E-Mail
  3. Employee ID
  4. Phone number (optional)

If you are adding an employee and do not have their e-mail, you can use the last name and first inital @

For example, for employee Bruce Wayne, you would put

There is no e-mail confirmation when adding an employee, but there is e-mail confirmation when adding a Foreman, Accounting, or Approver. 

Accounting is able to view all Users.

Foreman can see the Employees they have added.

Approvers cannot view employee lists. 

Editing a User

On the “All Employees” Page in the top right you can edit your profile. on the left you can view, search, and filter the master user list. 

When you select a user, you will have the option to edit that user. It will refresh the page and load their info on the right sidebar. 

Update their information and click save.

Usernames cannot be changed. 

There is also a green button at the bottom where you can delete the user.